Technology for Ageing and Disability (ACT) Inc,
27 Mulley Street, Holder, ACT 2611


Occupational Therapy

TADACT offers comprehensive home assessments by our Occupational Therapist.

TADACT’s occupational therapist can provide education, advice and recommendations to assist a client to return to all of their normal activities of daily living in a safe and sustainable manner.

Our Occupational Therapist will:

  • Give advice on specialised equipment, its safe use and purchase information in regard to suppliers of appropriate equipment
  • Give detailed information regarding home modifications and access
  • Identify falls hazard spots around the home and provide falls education information
  • Provide education on safe and efficient ways to perform your daily activities
  • Provide information on appropriate assistance programs/community resources
If you would like more information or to book a home assessment, contact TADACT on 6287 4290 or by sending a request using the web form.
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